
Selected Bibliography


Matrix analysis and archaeology with particular reference to British Beaker pottery, in Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 28, 1962, 371-383.

Remanent magnetism and Beaker chronology, in Antiquity, 36, 1962, 206-209 (with G. Connah).

Matrix analysis and archaeology, in Nature, 199, 1963, 790-792.

Matrix analysis and archaeology with particular reference to British Beaker pottery, in 6th International Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences (Rome 1965), II, Sessions I-IV (republished in Analytical Archaeologist: Collected Papers of David L. Clarke, 489-502).

Archaeological classification, in Symposium on the Classification of Changing Phenomena (London1966), The Linnean and Classification Societies, London1966.

Notes on the possible misuse and errors of cumulative percentage frequency graphs for the comparison of prehistoric artefact assemblages, in Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 33, 1967, 57-69 (with J.E. Kerrich).

A tentative reclassification of British Beaker pottery in the light of recent research, in H.T. Waterbolk, J.D. van der Waals (ed.), Neolithic studies in Atlantic Europe. Proceedings of the Second Atlantic Colloquium (Groningen 1964), Palaeohistoria, 12, 179-198.

Analytical Archaeology, London 1968, Methuen.

Towards analytical archaeology: New directions in the interpretive thinking of British archaeologists, in Symposium on Theory and Methodology in Archaeological Interpretation (Flagstaff, Arizona, 1968) (republished in Analytical Archaeologist: Collected Papers of David L. Clarke, 145-179).


Analytical Archaeology: Epilogue, in Norwegian Archaeological Review, 3, 1970, 25-33.

Beaker Pottery of Great Britain and Ireland, Cambridge 1970, Cambridge University Press.

C. Platt, F.R. Hodson (eds.), World Archaeology, Vol. 1, 1-3, in Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 36, 1970, 395-396.

Models in Archaeology, London 1972, Methuen.

Models and paradigms in contemporary archaeology, in D.L. Clarke (ed.), Models in Archaeology, London 1972, Methuen, 1-60.

A provisional model of an Iron Age society and its settlement system, in D.L. Clarke (ed.), Models in Archaeology, London 1972, Methuen, 801-869.

P.J. Watson, S.A. LeBlanc, C.L. Redman, Explanation in Archaeology: An Explicitly Scientific Approach, in Antiquity, 46, 1972, 237-239.

Archaeology: The loss of innocence, in Antiquity, 47, 1973, 6-18.

R.R. Newell, A.P.J. Vroomans, Automatic Artifact Registration and Systems for Archaeological Analysis with the Philips P1100Computer: A Mesolithic Test Case, in Antiquity, 47, 1973, 158-170.

C. Renfrew (ed.), The Explanation of Culture Change: Models in Prehistory, in Antiquity, 49, 1975, 146-147.

The Beaker Network - Social and economic models, in J.N. Lanting, J.D. van de Waals (eds.), Glockenbecher Symposium Oberried 1974, Bussum/Haarlem 1976, Fibula-Van Dishock, 459-477.

Spatial Archaeology, London-New York 1977, Academic Press.

Spatial information in archaeology, D.L. Clarke (ed.), Spatial Archaeology, London-New York 1977, Academic Press, 1-32.

Analytical Archaeologist: Collected Papers of David L. Clarke, New York 1979, Academic Press.