
Selected Bibliography


J.A. Ford, A Quantitative Method for Deriving Cultural Chronology, in American Anthropologist, 65, 1963, 696-699.

The selection of samples from large sherd collections, in American Antiquity, 29, 4, 1964, 467-473.

Statistics and sense: more on the Purum case, in American Anthropologist, 66, 6, 1, 1964, 1358-1365.

Evaluación preliminar de la aplicación de métodos de máquinas computadoras a los datos del mapa de Teotihuacan, in I. Bernal et al. (eds.), Teotihuacan, Onceava Mesa Redonda, Mexico City 1966, Sociedad Mexicana de Antropología, 95-112. 

G. Peatman, Introduction to Applied Statistics, in Anthropologica, 8, 1966, 158-160.

Computer applications in archaeology, in Computers and the Humanities, 2, 1, 1967, 17-23.

Computer applications in archaeology, in American Federation of Information Processing Societies, Conference Proceedings, 31, Washington, D.C. 1967, Thompson Book Company, 331-337.

Computers and prehistoric archaeology, in E.A. Bowles (ed.), Computers in Humanistic Research, Englewood Cliffs 1967, Prentice-Hall, 47-56.

Archaeological applications of factor, cluster, and proximity analysis, in American Antiquity, 33, 3, 1968, 367-375.

Computer analysis of archaeological data from Teotihuacan, Mexico, in S. Binford, L. Binford (eds.), New Perspectives in Archeology, Chicago 1968, Aldine, 143-150.

F. Hole, M. Shaw, Computer Analysis of Chronological Seriation, in American Antiquity, 33, 5, 1968, 7-19.

D. Hymes, The Use of Computers in Anthropology, in American Anthropologist, 70, 1968, 367-368.


Some sampling and reliability problems in archaeology, in J.-C. Gardin (ed.), Archéologie et Calculateurs. Problèmes sémiologiques et mathématiques, Paris 1970, CNRS, 161-175.

M. Borillo, Computers in Archaeology, in Norwegian Archaeological Review, 4, 1971, 16-18.

Models, methods, and techniques for seriation, in D. Clarke (ed.), Models in Archaeology, London 1972, Methuen, 381-421.

Quantitative studies of urbanization at Teotihuacan, in N. Hammond (ed.), Mesoamerican Archaeology: New Approaches, London 1974, Duckworth, 363-396.

A selection of samplers: Comments on archaeo-statistics, in J. Mueller (ed.), Sampling in Archaeology, Tucson 1975, University of Arizona Press, 258-274.

The trouble with significance tests and what we can do about it, in American Antiquity, 42, 3, 1977, 350-368.

J. Doran, F.R. Hodson, Mathematics and Computers in Archaeology, in American Antiquity, 42, 1977, 126-129.

Albert Spaulding and archaeological method and theory, in American Antiquity, 42, 1977, 325-329.

I. Hodder, C. Orton, Spatial Analysis in Archaeology, in Science, 196, 1977, 972-973.


Computers for archaeologists, in The Bulletin: The IPS Academic and Research Computing Services Newsletter, 177, 1980 , 8-9.

Manejo de datos y metodos matematicos de arqueologia, 10th International Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences, Vol. 4, México 1981, UISPP (with R. Whallon, B.S. Ottaway).

Clusters of objects and associations between variables: two approaches to archaeological classification, in R. Whallon, J.A. Brown (eds.), Essays on Archaeological Typology, Evanston 1982, Center for American Archaeology Press, 30-55.

C. Orton, Mathematics in Archaeology, in Archaeology, 1982, March-April, 79.

Spatial analysis of Teotihuacan: a Mesoamerican metropolis, in H. Hietala (ed.), Intrasite Spatial Analysis in Archaeology, Cambridge 1984, Cambridge University Press, 154-195 (with J.H. Altschul, R.S. Sload).

Archaeological applications of mathematical and formal methods, in D. Meltzer, D. Fowler, J. Sabloff (eds.), American Archaeology, Past and Future, Washington-London 1986, Smithsonian Institution Press, 369-393.

M.S. Aldenderfer (ed.), Quantitative Research in Archaeology: Progress and Prospects, in American Anthropologist, 90, 1988, 1037.

The concept of diversity in archaeological theory, in R.D. Leonard, G.T. Jones (eds.), Quantifying Diversity in Archaeology, Cambridge 1989, Cambridge University Press, 131-141.

Formal approaches in archaeology, in C.C. Lamberg-Karlovski (ed.), Archaeological Thought in America, Cambridge 1989, Cambridge University Press, 74-88.


Artifact classification and archaeological purposes, in A. Voorrips (ed.), Mathematics and Information Science in Archaeology, Bonn 1990, Holos Verlag, 61-78.

Toward refining concepts of full-coverage survey, in S.K. Fish, S.A. Kowalewski (eds.), The Archaeology of Regions. A Case for Full-Coverage Survey, Washington D.C. 1990, Smithsonian Institution Press, 249-259.

Why Pearson’s r is not a good similarity coefficient for comparing collections, in American Antiquity, 55, 5, 1990, 512-521.

Distinguished lecture in archaeology. Beyond criticizing New Archaeology, in American Anthropologist, 95, 1993, 551-573.

Unknown sampling bias is not a license to ignore statistical theory, in I. Johnson (ed.), Methods in the Mountains. Proceedings of UISPP Commission IV Meeting (Mount Victoria 1993), Sydney 1994, University of Sydney, 7-11.


Past, present, and future of quantitative methods in United States archaeology, in Z. Stančič, T. Veljanovski (eds.), Computing Archaeology for Understanding the Past, CAA 2000, BAR International Series 931, Oxford 2001, Archaeopress, 35-40.

Getting Bayesian ideas across to a wide audience, in F. Djindjian, P. Moscati (eds.), XIV UISPP Congress (Liège, Belgium 2001). Proceedings of Commission IV Symposia. Data Management and Mathematical Methods in Archaeology, Archeologia e Calcolatori, 13, 2002, 191-196.

Things to remember about statistics (whatever else you forget), in SAA Archaeological Record, 5, 4, 2005, 35.

Using numerous cases to extract valid information from noisy surface data at Teotihuacan, in J.L. Hantman, R. Most (eds.), Managing Archaeological Data. Essays in Honour of Sylvia W. Gaines, Tempe 2006, Arizona State University, 147-154.

How I got to where I am now: One thing after another, a (mostly) linear narrative, in Ancient Mesoamerica, 19, 2, 2008, 165-173.


Conversation with W.L. Rathje and M. Shanks, in W.L. Rathje, M. Shanks, C. Witmore (eds.), Archaeology in the Making: Conversations Through a Discipline, New York 2013, Routledge, 185-203.

We need better chronologies: progress in getting them, Latin American Antiquity, 26, 2015, 26–29

Some things I hope you will find useful even if statistics isn’t your thing, in Annual Review of Anthropology, 44, 2015, 1–14.