Bibliography of Archaeological Computing: the 1990s


Search results

BARIBEAU R. et al. Colour three-dimensional modelling of museum objects
BARISANO E., BARTHOLOMÉ E. Photographic processing applied to satellite imagery. Archaeological examples
BARISANO E., HELLY B. Photographic and digital processing of epigraphical documents
BARNETT P.J., EARNEST G.K. Art documentation and computerization: access and collaboration
BAROCCHI P. Vasari e il lessico tecnico
BARRAL L., SIMONE S. Que sont les Merveilles?
BARRAL L., SIMONE S. Calculs et graphes aux Merveilles (Tende, Alpes-Maritimes)
BARRERA J. Gestion du mobilier archéologique
BARRETT G. Cropmark discoveries in the river Barrow valley, Ireland 1989-1991
BARRIUSO J. Aplicaciones del proceso digital de imágenes en arqueología: experiencias con los sistemas MIP y GEO-JARS de Micro
BARROCA L. Object-oriented database design in archaeology
BARROCA L., RAHTZ S. Object-oriented design for excavation simulation programming
BARRUCAND M., NICOLAS E. Mashreq-Maghreb. Archives photografiques du monde islamique. Un programme franco-allemand
BARTEL H.-G. et al. Eine matematische explorative Analyse archäometrischer Daten von Keramikfunden aus Tell el-Dab'a
BARTEL H.-G., ENDESFELDER E. Begriffsanalytische Untersuchungen der Keramikausstattung prädynastischer Gräber des Friedhofs von Armant