Bibliography of Archaeological Computing: the 1990s


Search results

ZADORA-RIO E., Le système de gestion des données de fouilles de Rigny
ZAPATA L., AJÁNGUIZ R. Aplicación del Cluster analysis a fragmentos de cráneo de la cueva sepulcral de Picos Ramos (Bizkaia, País Vasco)
ZARIFIS N. Towards a computer information system for the archaeological sites and for the monuments in Rhodes
ZEZZA F., Indagini chimico-fisiche sui materiali lapidei dall'area archeologica di Vaste (Le)
ZIEGLER C. Paléographie et informatique au mastaba du Louvre
ZIEGLER C. 15 ans d'informatisation au Musée du Louvre
ZIELING N. Unsichtbar sichtbar machen. CAD - gestützte Rekonstruktion der CUT
ZIMMERMANN A. Zur Anwendung der Korrespondenzanalyse in der Archäologie
ZINGARELLI D., Baldassarre Conticello: cronaca di un progetto; Carlo Ciliberto: per superare le "due culture"
ZOLESE P., CUCARZI M., ROSA C., NALESINI O., Carta Archeologica informatizzata: il progetto Unesco per l'area di Wat Phu (Laos Meridionale)
ZORN J. Scanning pottery profiles
ZORN J. Flowcharting the Harris Matrix
ZUBROW E., Clusters of death, pockets of survival: Dynamic modelling and GIS
ZUBROW E.B.W. Contemplating Space: A Commentary on Theory
ZUBROW E.B.W. Modelling and Prediction with Geographic Information Systems: A Demographic Example from Prehistoric and Historic New York