Bibliography of Archaeological Computing: the 1990s


Search results

BIETTI A., BURANI A., ZANELLO L. Interactive Pattern Recognition in prehistoric archaeology: some applications
BIETTI A., MORGANTI S., ZANELLO L. Image processing in microwear analysis of prehistoric flint artefacts: an attempt at quantifying textural properties
BIETTI SESTIERI A.M., DE SANTIS A. La cronologia della necropoli
BIGET J.-L., HERVÉ J.-C., THÉBERT X. (eds.) Les cadastres anciens des villes et leurs traitement par l'informatique
BILGIN ALTINOZ A.G., ERDER C. Utilizing Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for the conservation of multy-layered towns: reflections on the case of the urban archaeological site of Bergama (Pergemon)
BILLET S., GONDRAN M., VERGNIEUX R. La reconstitution du puzzle d'Akhénaton
BILLET S., GONDRAN M., VERGNIEUX R. Le puzzle d'Akhenaton reconstitué à Karnak
BINGHAM N.H. A conversation with David Kendall
BINNEY C. et al. Survey data enhancement and interpretive works for the recording and conservation of Pendragon Castle
BINTLIFF J. Regional survey, demography, and the rise of complex societies in the ancient Aegean: Core-Periphery, Neo-Malthusian, and other interpretive models
BIRÖ K.T. A Microcomputer database system for the investigation of lithics
BIRÖ K.T. Good or bad? Raw material procurement criteria in the Carpathian Basin. A diachronic approach
BIRÖ K.T. Simple fun. Interactive computer demonstration program on the exhibition of the Szentgal-Tuzkoveshegy prehistoric industrial area
BIRÖ K.T. New Hungarian archaeological/archaeometrical database available through WAN
BIRÖ K.T. Current developments in the Lithotheca database