Bibliography of Archaeological Computing: the 1990s


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BONINCONTRO I. Il progetto Giunone
BONINCONTRO I., GIARDINO C., GIGANTE G.E. I risultati delle indagini scientifiche in campo archeologico: il problema dell'archiviazione
BONO I CLOFENT V., FERRER BALLESTER S., VERDEGAL I CEREZO V. Projecte d'informatització del Museu Comarcal de la Plana Baixa
BOOTH B. Inter-site comparisons between pottery assemblages in Roman Warwickshire: Ceramic indicators of site status
BOOTH B. Developing an information system strategy for the National Museum of Science & Industry
BOOTH B. A high resolution digital imaging system for the photographic archive at the National Railway Museum, York
BOOTH B. Has archaeology remained aloof from the information age?
BOOTH B. Digital image storage: Today and tomorrow
BOOTH B. Preservation and presentation in museums - two case studies
BOOTH B. Information technology at the National Museum of Science and Industry
BOOTH B.K.W., GRANT S.A.V., RICHARDS J.D. (eds.) Computer Usage in British Archaeology
BOOTH W., IPSON S.S., HAIGH J.G.B. An inexpensive PC-based imaging system for applications in archaeology
BOOTH W., IPSON S.S., HAIGH J.G.B. An investigation into the use of colour in the analysis of aerial photographs
BORGER R. Informatica. Keilschrift auf dem Computer
BÖRNER, W. Von der 100-jährigen Karteikarte zum Plan des Legionslagers