Bibliography of Archaeological Computing: the 1990s


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GARDIN J.-C. Le raisonnement traditionnel et sa mise en forme dans un milieu informatique
GARDIN J.-C. The impact of computer-based techniques on research in archaeology
GARDIN J.-C. Cognitive issues in archaeology
GARDIN J.-C. The structure of archaeological theories
GARDIN J.-C. Le calcul et la raison. Essais sur la formalisation du discours savant
GARDIN J.-C. La révolution cognitive et l'archéologie
GARDIN J.-C. Points de vue logicistes sur les méthodologies en sciences sociales
GARDIN J.-C. Aid to reasoning in archaeology
GARDIN J.-C., BORGHETTI M.N. L'architettura dei testi storiografici (a cura di I. MATTOZZI)
GARDIN J.-C., PEEBLES C.S. (eds.) Representations in Archaeology
GARDlN J.-C. Discours-programme
GARFIELD G.M., MCDONOUGH S. Dig That Site!: Exploring Archaeology, History and Civilization on the Internet
GARLANDINI A., MEDICI T. Il Sistema Informativo Regionale sui Beni Culturali della Lombardia (S.I.R.Be.C.)
GARZOTTO F., MAINETTI L., PAOLINI P., User Interaction Styles in Museum Hypermedia
GAVIOLI M.M., ENKI: un text base per assiriologia