Bibliography of Archaeological Computing: the 1990s


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MILLER A.P., A view from the Tyne
MILLER A.P., How to look good and influence people: thoughts on the design and interpretation of an archaeological GIS
MILLER P. The importance of matadata to archaeology: one view from within the Archaeology Data Service
MILLER P., GREENSTEIN D., Discovering Online Resources Across the Humanities. A Practical Implementation of the Dublin Core
MILLER P., RICHARDS J. The good, the bad, and the downright misleading: archaeological adoption of computer visualisation
MILLES A. The Bonestack: a stack for old bones
MILLETT M. et al. The Ave Valley, northern Portugal: an archaeological survey of Iron Age and Roman settlement
MILLIGAN R., ATKIN M. The use of ground-probing radar within a digital environment on archaeological sites
MILLS B.J. Integrating functional analyses of vessels and sherds through models of ceramic assemblage formation
MILLS S. An approach for integrating multisensory data: the examples of Sesklo and the Teleorman Valley
MINGUCCI R., Strumentazione informatica per la documentazione dei reperti: un archivio di base (grafico-alfanumerico) per la creazione di un sistema informativo dello scavo,
MIRTI P., CASOLI A., APOLLONIA L. Scientific analysis of Roman glass from Augusta Praetoria
MISSIKOFF O. Application of an object-oriented approach to the formalization of qualitative (and quantitative) data
MISSIKOFF O., Proposta di applicazione di un approccio object-oriented alla formazione di dati qualitativi
MITCHELL E. Modelli informativi grafici automatici per l'archeologia: orientamenti ed esempi