Bibliography of Archaeological Computing: the 1990s


Search results

MCCALL M., Early (pre-industrial) AD and BC date implementation using Advanced Revelation
MCCALL M., User friendly terminology control
MCCALL M.J., Converting a museum collections management flat file database to a semi-relational structure, part II
MCCALL M.J., Converting a museum collections management flat file database to a semi-relational structure
McCARTNEY P.H., GLASS M.F. Simulation models and the interpretation of archaeological diversity
MCGLADE J. GIS and integrated archaeological knowledges systems
MCGLADE J., VAN DER LEEUW S.E. (eds.), Time, Process and Structured Transformation in Archaeology
MCGLADE J., VAN DER LEEUW S.E., Introduction: Archaeology and non-linear dynamics - New approaches to long-term change,
MCNEILL R. Photogrammetric recording and analysis of the Sydney Cove
MEDICI T. SIRBeC - the regional informative system about cultural heritage in Lombardy
MEDINA MORALES J. Es posible contar con un centro distribuidor de programas informáticos aplicados a la arqueología?
MEDRI M., POLESE W., Un'applicazione del programma SAXA: l'esperienza del Progetto EUBEA
MEDRI M., POLESE W., Una banca dati di immagini su video disco
MEEKS D. Le logiciel S.E.C.H.A.T et la diffusion de l'information en égyptologie
MEFEERT M., Spatial relations in Roman Iron Age settlements in the Assendelver Polders, The Netherlands