Bibliography of Archaeological Computing: the 1990s


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MARTIN O., Aux origines des idées factorielles. Des théories aux méthodes statistiques
MARTIN-BUENO M., TRAMULLAS J. Forum Augusta Bilbilis: application de la reconstitution assitée par ordinateur pour un forum romain
MARTÍNEZ A.J. Iberos on-line. Un breve recorrido por la cultura ibérica en internet
MARTINEZ ALONSO R. Análisis y diseño de sistemas de información arqueológicos
MARTÍNEZ LILLO S., SÁEZ LARA F., MALALANA UREÑA A., La aplicación de los S.I.G. como planteamiento para el estudio de la organización del espacio en la marca media andalusí. El sistema de atalayas en la cuenca del Jarama (Madrid)
MARTINEZ R. Du dépotoir à la maison
MARTINS M., BERNARDES P. A multi-disciplinary approach for research and presentation of Bracara Augusta's Archaeological Heritage
MARTLEW R. The implications of large scale image storage for primary archaeological research
MARTLEW R. Deus ex machina: studying archaeology by computer
MARTLEW R. Archaeological landscapes and environmental reconstruction in the Yorkshire Dales, UK: GIS models and environmental determinism,
MARTLEW R. The contribution of GIS to the study of landscape evolution in the Yorkshire Dales, UK
MARTLEW R. Every picture tells a story: 'The Archaeology Disc' and its implications
MARTLEW R., Multi-media museums: potential applications of interactive technology
MARTLEW R., Pictures and pedagogy: teaching archaeology using image archives on videodisc
MARTLEW R., Digging Deeper into History: A Classroom Resource Pack