Bibliography of Archaeological Computing: the 1990s


Search results

LOUHIVUORI M. The East Mediterranean Pottery Project. Exchange of specialized data on the information superhighway
LOUHIVUORI M., SODERLUND A. Virtual model of the basilica of Emmaus-Nicopolis
LUCET G. Visualisation of virtual environments of ancient architecture: the problem of illumination
LUCET G., CASAS A., CHANFÓN C. Digitization of the O'Gorman's mural at the central library of the National University of Mexico
LUCET G., LUPONE C. A methodology for recording pre-Hispanic mural paintings
LUCET G., LUPONE C. A computerised register of pre-Hispanic architecture
LUCET G.L., The virtual restitution of the mesoamerican site of Cacaxtla: a methodological point of view
LUGLI F., La ricostruzione della cartografia storica: l'esempio della mappa di Bologna del 1715
LUKESH S.S., Expanding the archaeologist's toolkit: Scientific visualization of archaeological data
LULL V. The new technologies and designer archaeology
LYALL J., POWLESLAND D. The application of high resolution fluxgate gradiometery as an aid to excavation planning and strategy formulation
MACANDREWS T.L., ALBARRACIN-JORDAN J., BERMANN M. Regional settlement patterns in the Tiwanaku Valley of Bolivia
MACCHI JANICA G.(ed.) Las bases de datos en la investigacion arqueologica
MACCHIARELLI R., BONDIOLI L. Multimedia dissemination of the 'Isola Sacra' human paleobiological project: reconstructing lives, habits and deaths of the 'ancient Roman people' by the means of advanced investigative methods
MACHACEK, J. Pohan, GIS der archäologischen Lokalität