Bibliography of Archaeological Computing: the 1990s


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LOCK G. (ed.), Beyond the map. Archaeology and spatial technology
LOCK G., GIS or CAD: what's in a name?
LOCK G., GIS usage in UK archaeology mid-1997: The Caere survey
LOCK G., BELL T., LLOYD J., Toward a methodology for modelling surface survey data: the Sangro Valley Project
LOCK G., BROWN K. (eds.), On the theory and practice of archaeological computing
LOCK G., DALY P. Looking at Change, Continuity and Time in GIS: an Example from the Sangro Valley, Italy
LOCK G., HARRIS T. Visualising spatial data: The importance of Geographic Information Systems
LOCK G., MOFFETT J. (eds.) Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology 1991
LOCK G., STANCIC Z. (eds.), Archaeology and Geographical Information Systems: A European Perspective
LOCK G.R, HARRIS T.M. Integrating spatial information in computerised Sites and Monuments Records: Meeting archaeological requirements in the 1990s
LOCK G.R., DALLAS C. Compact Disc-Interactive: a new technology for archaeology?
LOCK G.R., HARRIS T.M. Danebury revisited: An English Iron Age hillfort in a digital landscape
LOCKYEAR K. Computer-aided publication in practice
LOCKYEAR K. Coins, copies and kernels - a note on the potential of kernel density estimates
LOCKYEAR K. Experiments with Detrended Corrispondence Analysis