Bibliography of Archaeological Computing: the 1990s


Search results

LOCKYEAR K. Dmax based cluster analysis and the supply of coinage to Iron Age Dacia
LOCKYEAR K. Coin hoard formation revisited
LOCKYEAR K., Simulating coin hoard formation
LOCKYEAR K., ORTON C., CALPROB - a program for calculating the probability of chronological sequences of events dated by radiocarbon determinations
LOCKYEAR K., RAHTZ S. (eds.) Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology 1990
LOCKYEAR K., SLY T.J.T., MIHAILESCU-BIRLIBA V. (eds.) Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology 1996
LOKER W.M., Land degradation in the Peruvian Amazon: Applying GIS in human ecology research
LONGSTAFF T.R.W., Hypertext as a medium for archaeological publication
LOOTS L., The use of projective and reflective viewsheds in the analysis of the Hellenistic city defence system at Sagalassos, Turkey
LORRIO ALVARADO A.J. Clasificación automática de formas cerámicas completas: un estudio comparativo de diversos métodos multivariante
LORUSSO S., PRESTILEO F. La prevenzione per la conservazione del patrimonio librario e documentale: proposta di un modello di sistema informativo
LOSFELD G. Bilan des banques de données biblographiques pour l'Antiquité
LOSFELD G. Bibliographie et informatique