Bibliography of Archaeological Computing: the 1990s


Search results

MANFREDI L.-I., Tharros - XX. Progetto 'Melqart'
MANGIA C. Il sistema per la gestione dei dati di scavo. L'ambiente hardware e software
MANLY B.F. The statistical analysis of artefacts in graves: Presence and absence data
MANLY B.F. The statistical analysis of artefacts in graves: presence and absence data
MANNONI T., MOLINARI A. (eds.), Scienze in archeologia. II Ciclo di Lezioni sulla ricerca applicata in archeologia (Certosa di Pontignano, Siena, 1988)
MARAIS A.-M. Une informatisation intelligente: le cas des musées de Nîmes
MARBLE D.F. The Potential Methodological Impact of Geographic Information Systems on the Social Sciences
MARCHIORI A., Carta archeologica di Padova: la realizzazione del prototipo SITAr
MARCINIAK A., RACZKOWSKI W. Polish archaeology and computers: An overview
MARIN F., MENGOTTI C., Ipertesto e didattica: analisi storica di una porzione del 'graticolato romano'
MARK R., ÇAKMAK A.S., ERDIK M. Preliminary report on an integrated study of the structure of Hagia Sophia: Past, present, and future
MAROZAS B.A., ZACK J.A. GIS and Archaeological Site Location
MARSHALL A., MARSHALL G., A survey and analysis of the buildings of early and middle Anglo-Saxon England
MARTENS F., LEGRAND P., LEGRAND J., LOOTS L., WAELKENS M. Computer-aided design and archaeology at Sagalassos: methodology and possibilities of reconstructions of archaeological sites
MARTÍN DE LA CRUZ J.C., BERMÚDEZ SÁNCHEZ J., La utilidad de los S.I.G. en la investigación y gestión del patrimonio arqueológico de la campaña de Córdoba