Bibliography of Archaeological Computing: the 1990s


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MARTLEW R., CHEETHAM P. The development and implementation of a computer-based learning package in archaeology
MARTLEW R., CREASER B. Pooling Resources: Drawing on Regional Data from the Computerized Sites and Monuments Records of the East Midlands
MARTORANO F., Un'esperienza di catalogazione mediante PC: per un catalogo informatizzato dei Beni archeologici e architettonici calabresi
MARUGGI G.A., L'informatica nella tutela delle emergenze archeologiche
MARZI M.G. Per un Thesaurus della ceramica greca. Programma per la fruizione remota di immagini e testi di tipo archeologico con la possibile strutturazione di un database
MASCHNER H.D.G. (ed.), The politics of settlement choice on the Northwest coast: Cognition, GIS, and coastal landscapes
MASCHNER H.D.G. (ed.), Theory, technology, and the future of Geographic Information Systems in archaeology,
MASCHNER H.D.G. (ed.), Geographic Information Systems in archaeology
MASCHNER H.D.G. (ed.), New Methods, Old Problems. Geographic Information Systems in Modern Archaeological Research
MASCHNER H.D.G., STEIN J.W. Multivariate approaches to site location on the Northwest coast of North America
MASIERO C., Un sistema di simulazione tridimensionale di strutture architettoniche integrato con immagini
MASSAGRANDE F. The Romans in southwestern Spain: Total conquest or partial assimilation? Can GIS answer?
MASSAGRANDE F. A GIS approach to the study of non-systematically collected data: a case study from the Mediterranean
MASSAGRANDE F. Using GIS with non-systematic survey data: the Mediterranean evidence
MASSON B., VALLIN L. Les bases de données informatisées