Bibliography of Archaeological Computing: the 1990s


Search results

LINDENBECK J., WENIGER G.C., ESTÉVEZ J. SANQUIN: un programa para la valoración y reconstrucción de niveles arqueológicos
LITTLEWORTH R.M., ROBSON S., Three-dimensional archaeologically orientated data capture by photogrammetric techniques
LITTON C.D., BUCK C.E. The Bayesian approach to the interpretation of archaeological data
LITTON C.D., LEESE M.N. Some statistical problems arising in radiocarbon calibration
LITTON C.D., ZAINODIN H.J. Statistical models of dendrochronology
LLAMAZARES C., FERNÁNDEZ MORENO J.J., VAL RECIO J. Del, Una aplicación para la documentación de materiales arqueológicos en la comunidad de Castilla y León
LLOBERA M. Understanding movement: a pilot model towards the sociology of movement,
LLOBERA M. Exploring the topography of mind: GIS, social space and archaeology
LLORET MARÍN T. Una nueva forma de ver la arqueología: arqueología audiovisual
LLOYD-JONES J. Measuring biological affinity among populations: a case study of Romano-British and Anglo-Saxon populations
LO SARDO E., La soglia di Gutenberg: macchine e archivi
LOCK G. Introduction: Return to Ravello
LOCK G. A particular view
LOCK G. An introduction to statistics for archaeologists
LOCK G. Archaeological computing, archaeological theory, and moves towards contextualism