Bibliography of Archaeological Computing: the 1990s


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LAMBECK K. Sea-level change & shore-line evolution in Aegean Greece since Upper Palaeolithic time
LAMBERT G., Vidéotex et Archéologues: une rencontre possible
LAMPRELL A. et al. An integrated information system for archaeological evidence
LANA M., Il personal computer negli studi letterari, oggi
LANA M., L'uso del computer nell'analisi dei testi
LANCASHIRE I., The Humanities Computing Yearbook 1989-90. A Comprehensive Guide to Software and other Resources
LANCASHIRE I., McCARTY M., The Humanities Computing Yearbook
LANCHON Y., BOSTYN F., RACHEM L. L'étude d'un niveau archéologique néolithique et ses apports à la compréhension d'un site d'habitat: l'exemple de Jablines, 'La Pente de Croupeton' (Seine-et-Marne)
LANG N. Public Heritage in an Age of Decline
LANG N., Beyond the map: harmosing research and Cultural Resource Managment
LANG N., GIS and archaeology
LANG N., STEAD S. Sites and Monuments Records in England: Theory and practice
LANG N.A.R. Air photography and sites and monuments records: Some observations
LANG N.A.R. From model to machine: Procurement and implementation of Geographical Information Systems for county sites and monuments records
LANG N.A.R. Sites and monuments records in historic towns