Bibliography of Archaeological Computing: the 1990s


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LAFFINEUR R. Traitement informatique des données graphiques: quelques applications et perspectives en archéologie grecque
LAFLIN S. Twenty five years of computer applications in archaeology
LAFLIN S. Twenty five years of the CAA conference
LAFLIN S. A new method of off-line text recognition
LAFLIN S. et al. Analysis of pottery from Wroxeter Roman city
LAFLIN S., Computer analysis of pottery distributions
LAFLIN S., PERRY N. A PC-based program to display surface data
LAGRANGE M.-S. Symbolic data and numerical processing: A case study in art history by means of automated learning techniques
LAGRANGE M.-S. Sciences humaines et systèmes experts
LAGRANGE M.-S. Les systèmes experts et la recherche en archéologie et sciences humaines: un point de vue pragmatique
LAGRANGE M.-S., DE CONCEIÇAO RODRIGUES M. La représentation d'un raisonnement en archéologie. Un exemple: analyse logiciste et système expert
LAGRANGE M.-S., RENAUD M., A computerized simulation of archaeological reasoning by means of an Expert System: The SNARK System
LAGRANGE M.-S., VITALI V. VANDAL: An expert system dealing with the provenance of archaeological ceramics, based on chemical, mineralogical and data analysis information
LAHANIER C., MALFOY J.-M., Data-processing systems for the analysis of archaeological finds - Systèmes de traitement de données concernant les analyses d'objets archéologiques
LAKE M. W., WOODMAN P.E., MITHEN S.J. Tailoring GIS software for archaeological applications: an example concerning Viewshed Analysis