Bibliography of Archaeological Computing: the 1990s


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KRINZINGER F., SCHICK M., TEEGEN W.-R., Un calcolatore disegna e registra ceramica antica: il sistema ARCOS-1 negli scavi di Velia, comune di Ascea (Salerno)
KRISZAT M. Hypermedia in Archaeological Exhibitions: Different Kinds of Interactivity and Visualization
KROLL E.M., PRICE T.D. (eds.) The Interpretation of Archaeological Spatial Patterning
KRUMM C., Die südwestdeutsche Fachwerkkonstruction zwischen 1400 und 1750. Ein Versuch chronologisch-konstruktiver Struktierung
KUBACH W., ZIMMERMANN A., Eine kanonische Korrespondenzanalyse zur räumlichen Gliederung der hessischen Bronzezeit
KUNA M., Comments on archaeological prediction
KUNA M., ADELSBERGFROVÁ D. Prehistoric location preferences: an application of GIS to the Vinorsky potok project, Bohemia, the Czech Republic
KUNZE M. Antiquities known to Winckelmann
KURTZ D. The Beazley Archive Database
KURTZ D., Data and Image Processing in Classical Archaeology. An Introduction
KURTZ D.C. The Beazley Archive's Information Technology programs in classical Archaeology, 1988-1998
KURTZ D.C., The Beazley Archive and its database of ancient Greek pottery
KUS S. Toward an archaeology of body and soul
KUZMA, I. Computer in der Archäologie in Nitra
KVAMME K. The fundamental principles and practice of predictive archaeological modeling