Bibliography of Archaeological Computing: the 1990s


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KVAMME K.L. A predictive site location model on the High Plains: An example with an indipendent test
KVAMME K.L. Spatial autocorrelation and the classic Maya collapse revisited: Refined techniques and new conclusions
KVAMME K.L. One-Sample Tests in regional archaeological analysis: New possibilities through computer technology
KVAMME K.L., GIS in North American archaeology: A summary of activity for the Caere project
KVAMME K.L., A view from across the water: the North American experience in archaeological GIS
KVAMME K.L., Bringing the camps together: GIS and ED
KVAMME K.L., STARK M.T., LONGACRE W.A. Alternative procedures for assessing standardization in ceramic assemblages
L'image et la science 1992, L'image et la science. Actes du 115e Congrès national de Societés savantes (Avignon, 1990)
La cultura informatica in Italia 1993, La cultura informatica in Italia. Riflessioni e testimonianze sulle origini 1950-1970
La pianura bolognese nel villanoviano 1994, La pianura bolognese nel villanoviano. Insediamenti della prima età del Ferro
La publication archéologique 1997, La publication archéologique sur CD-ROM
LABARRE N., CHARDENOUX M.-B., CIECHANOWICZ C., De la littérature archéologique à la base de données FRANCIS - Préhistoire et protohistoire. Quelques remarques
LABROUSSE A. Regards sur une Pyramide: Nazarat ala Haram = Viewing a Pyramid
LACRAMPE-CUYAUBERE F. Utilisation du logiciel Data Desk%u2122 pour la construction de projections de vestiges archéologiques: une application automatisée à l'usage des préhistoriens
LADEFOGED T.N. et al. GIS-based image enhancement of conductivity and magnetic susceptibility data from Uretutituri Pa and Fort Resolution, New Zealand