Bibliography of Archaeological Computing: the 1990s


Search results

KVAMME K. GIS and statistical inference in Arizona: Monte Carlo significance tests
KVAMME K. Randomization methods for statistical inference in raster GIS context
KVAMME K., Archaeological Spatial Analysis using GIS: Methods and issues
KVAMME K., A proton magnetometry survey at Navan Fort
KVAMME K., Investigating chipping debris scatters: GIS as an analytical engine
KVAMME K.L. Geographic Information Systems and archaeology
KVAMME K.L. GIS Algorithms and Their Effects on Regional Archaeological Analysis
KVAMME K.L. Geographic Information Systems in Regional Archaeological Research and Data Management
KVAMME K.L. Predictive Cultural Resource Modelling at Pinon Canyon: 1984-85
KVAMME K.L. Terrain form analysis of archaeological location through Geographic Information Systems
KVAMME K.L. Imaging the Past: Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems
KVAMME K.L. A simple pseudo-random normal deviate generator
KVAMME K.L. GIS graphics vs. spatial statistics: how do they fit together?
KVAMME K.L. Recent directions and developments in geographical information systems
KVAMME K.L. Spatial statistics and GIS: An integrated approach