Bibliography of Archaeological Computing: the 1990s


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LEONI ZANOBINI M.T. Informatica e storia dell'arte
LEPAGE C., Nouvelles contributions des technologies informatiques aux recherches en archéologie, histoire de l'art et iconographie. Expériences byzantines et éthiopiennes
LEREDDE H., Typology and seriation of Merovingian buckle-plates
LESAGE J., Elementary descriptive statistics
LESAGE J., Graphical statistics
LEVITAN B., Four: Better or worse? First impressions of dBASE IV
LEVY E. GIS Analysis of settlement transformations: The case study of the Highlands of Canaan in the Bronze and Iron Ages (Powerpoint presentation)
LEWIS P.H., GOODSON K.J. Images, databases and edge detection for archaeological object drawings
LIANOS N.A. Computer aided graphical documentation in archaeology
LIM S.E. et al. Recent examples of geographical analysis of archaeological evidence from central Italy
LIMATA B. Il nuovo sito web dell'Istituto per l'archeologia etrusco-italica del CNR: struttura e applicazioni
LIMIDO L., RICOTTI M., Le componenti paesistiche negli insedimenti coloniali di Sicilia e Magna Grecia: un ipertesto per la ricerca
LIMING G., HONGJIE L., WILCOCK J. The analysis of ancient Chinese pottery and porcelain shapes
LIMP W.F. Developing methodologies in the analysis of spatially referenced data and their impacts on archaeological method and theory
LIMP W.F. Developing methodologies in the analysis of spatially referenced data and their impacts on archaeological method and theory