Bibliography of Archaeological Computing: the 1990s


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HENDERSON J. The use and abuse of computers
HERRING E., WHITEHOUSE R., WILKINS J. (eds.), New Developments in Italian Archaeology, part 1. Papers of the Fourth Conference of Italian Archaeology (London, 1990)
HERRING E., WHITEHOUSE R., WILKINS J.(eds.), The Archaeology of Power. Papers of the Fourth Conference of Italian Archaeology (London, 1990)
HERTZ N., White marbles of the ancient Greeks and Romans: Geology, sources and determination of provenance
HERZFELD M. Metapatterns: Archaeology and the uses of evidential scarcity
HERZOG I. Combining stratigraphic information and finds
HERZOG I., Computer-aided Harris Matrix generation
HERZOG I., SCOLLAR I. A new graph theoretic oriented program for Harris Matrix analysis
HESSE A., CHAGNY B.N. Relevé planimétrique de la surface du sol par photographie portée par un cerf-volant
HEYWORTH M. The British Archaeological Bibliography: A fully computerized service for archaeology
HEYWORTH M. et al. Internet Archaeology: A quality electronic journal
HEYWORTH M. et al., Internet Archaeology: An international electronic journal for archaeology
HEYWORTH M., Council for British Archaeology Electronic Information Service
HEYWORTH M., The British Archaeological Bibliography
HEYWORTH M., Access to archaeological information: the British Archaeological Bibliography