Bibliography of Archaeological Computing: the 1990s


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HEYWORTH M., RICHARDS J., ROSS S., VINCE A. Internet Archaeology: an international electronic journal for archaeology
HEYWORTH M., ROSS S., RICHARDS J. Internet archaeology: An international electronic journal for archaeology
HEYWORTH M., ROSS S., RICHARDS J., Internet Archaeology: an international electronic journal for archaeology
HIGGINBOTHAM P., Bus driver gets boot after crash
HIGGINS T., Electronic reconstruction of a digitised Aztecan turquoise mosaic mask
HIGGINS T., MAIN P., LANG J. (eds.), Imaging the Past
HILAL A. L'enregistrement des objets de fouille à Saqqara
HILL R.W. A dynamic context recording system for archaeology
HILL S.I. Un'applicazione di tecnologie multimediali interattive per la presentazione del patrimonio culturale europeo
HINGE P. The other computer interface
HINGE P. New fusions: archaeological information in the relational database
HINSHELWOOD A., DALLA BONA L., GIS and intrasite analysis: an example from Northwestern Ontario, Canada
HINTZE F. Automatic Syntax Analysis of Meroitic Funeral Inscriptions
HINTZE F. On mathematical methods in archaeology
HIXON C., RICHARDSON P., SPURLING A. 3D visualisation of the first-century Galileian town