Bibliography of Archaeological Computing: the 1990s


Search results

MURRAY T., Dynamic modelling and new social theory of the mid- to long term
MUSSON C.R., WHIMSTER R.P., Air photography and the study of ancient landscapes in Britain
MYTUM H. Intrasite patterning and the temporal dimension using GIS: The example of Kellington Churchyard
NACKAERTS K., GOVERS G., A non deterministic use of a DEM in the calculation of viewsheds
NACKAERTS K., GOVERS G., LOOTS L. The use of Monte-Carlo techniques for the estimation of visibility
NANCARROW P. La protezione di voci digitalizzate del patrimonio culturale
NANCE J.D. Statistical sampling in archaeology
NARDINI A. La piattaforma GIS dello scavo di Poggio Imperiale a Poggibonsi. Dalla creazione del modello dei dati alla loro lettura
NASO A., Gli Etruschi. Etruria Meridionale (con presentazione di M. Cristofani)
NEFF H. Theory, sampling, and analytical techniques in the archaeological study of prehistoric ceramics
NEFF H. RQ-mode Principal Components Analysis of ceramic compositional data
NEGRONI CATACCHIO N., MIARI M., SETTI B., MELONI G., FERRARI R., GROPPO E., EARP- European Archaeological Research Projects. Fieldwork opportunities database on the Internet
NEGRONI CATACCHIO N., PADULA M., MASSARI A., RAPOSSO B., SETTI B., TOSI M.L. AmberWeb: progetto di un polo Internet sull'ambra
NEGRONI CATACCHIO N., PARMEGIANI N., PASCOLIERI M., CARDOSA M. Analysis of Landsat TM data for investigation of etruria's wetlands during the Protohistoric period
NEIMAN F.D. Stylistic variation in evolutionary perspective: inferences from decorative diversity and interassemblage distance in Illinois woodland ceramic assemblages