Bibliography of Archaeological Computing: the 1990s


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NENOV N.N., The Geographical Image Investigator. An interactive software package with applications in archaeology
NESSELRATH A. The Census of antique works of art and architecture known to the Renaissance
NEUBAUER W., EDER-HINTERLEITNER A. 3D-interpretation of postprocessed archaeological magnetic prospection data
NEUBAUER W., MELICHAR P., EDERHINTERLEITNER A. Collection, visualization and simulation of magnetic prospection data
NEWELL R.R. et al., Classification et sériation de tableaux présence-absence sur ordinateurs Apple et MS-DOS PC par le programme de Rozoy
NGUIFO E. et al., PLATA: An Application of LEGAL, a Machine Learning Based System, to a Typology of Archaeological Ceramics
NICCOLUCCI F., Dal database all’ipertesto. Applicazioni dell’informatica ai dati storici e territoriali
NICCOLUCCI F., PARDI G., ZOPPI T. Un archivio georeferenziato di insediamenti archeologici
NICOUD C., CURDY P. L'habitat alpin du premier Âge du Fer de Brig-Glis/Waldmatte (Valais, Suisse). Sériation et premières hypothèses sur l'évolution d'un espace villageois
NIELSEN A.E. Trampling the archaeological record: An experimental study
NIELSEN K.H. The Application of Correspondence Analysis: Some Examples in Archaeology
NIKITSCH R. Datenerfassung und Datenmanipulation in der Luftbildarchäologie
NIKITSCH R., Die archäologische Datenbank MUFDARCH
NIKOLIC L.P. New developments at the RCAHMW