Bibliography of Archaeological Computing: the 1990s


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NOCETE CALVO F. Un modelo de aplicación de análisis multivariante a la prospección arqueológica: la definición de la unidad geomorfológica donde se establece el asentamiento
NØRBACH L., Drengsted - problems in Danish archaeology
NORBACH L.C. IT-based documentation of large scale excavations - Drengsted: a case study
NOWAK A., LATANÉ B., Simulating the emergence of social order from individual behaviour
NUÑEZ M. et al. GIS where altitude is a function of time
NUNEZ M., VIKKULA A., KIRKINEN T., Perceiving time and space in an isostatically rising region
O'FLAHERTY B. The development of computer-based resources for teaching archaeology
OATES J.F. The Duke Data Bank of Documentary Papyri
OBERLANDER-TARNOVEANU I. CIMEC - a web site for Romanian archaeology: dissemination by integration
OBERLÄNDER-TARNOVEANU I. National archaeological database in Romania: facing changes
OBERLÄNDER-TARNOVEANU I. Statistical view of the Archaeological Sites Database
OBERLIN A. Identifying mythological scenes with artificial intelligence
OETELAAR G.A. Identifying site structure in the archaeological record: An Illinois Mississippian example
OGBURN J.L. On anthropology and the Internet
OGLEBY C. Geographic Information Systems in archaeology and anthropology: a case study from the Arawe Islands, Papua New Guinea