Bibliography of Archaeological Computing: the 1990s


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OTTEVANGER J.M. The on-line museum: where das it fit in? A case study
OZAWA K. Yoshinogari: A visualization
OZAWA K. Rule-based dating of artefacts
OZAWA K. REDATO: An archaeological database system with geographical analysis
OZAWA K. ASM: An ancient scenery modeller
OZAWA K. Reconstruction of Japanese ancient towns and villages
OZAWA K., KATO T., TSUDE H. Detection of beacon networks between ancient hill-forts using a digital terrain model based GIS
PACELLI A., VIDALE M., PRACCHIA S. Palus: procedure d'archive archéologique pour les unités stratigraphiques (Propositional adaptive logic for uncertain stratigraphies)
PACI A., Il ruolo del CD-ROM come supporto a fonti interattive di informazione
PAGLIANI M.L. Beni Culturali: didattica al computer
PAGLIANI M.L. Tradizione e innovazioni: alcune riflessioni sulla comunicazione nei musei
PAGLIANI M.L., Beni culturali, scuola e computer
PAGLIANI M.L., Computer dietro la lavagna
PAILLARD D. Enregistrement et exploitation des données pour la fouille d'une nécropole
PAKKANEN J. The entasis of greek doric columns and curve fitting: a case study on the peristyle column of the temple of the Athena Alea at Tegea