Bibliography of Archaeological Computing: the 1990s


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PASQUINUCCI M., MENCHELLI S. (eds.), La Cartografia archeologica. Problemi e prospettive
PASQUINUCCI M., SIGNORE O. Un approccio sistematico per la redazione delle carte archeologiche
PASSONI A. La cluster analysis nello studio della ceramica dell'abitato del Bronzo finale di Sorgenti della Nova (Farnese, VT)
PASZTOR E., JUHASZ A., DOMBI M., ROSLUND C. Computer simulation of Stonehenge
PATEL J., STUTT A. Beyond Classification: the Use of Artificial Intelligence Techniques for the Interpretation of Archaeological Data
PAULY B., Protected monuments
PAVLISCAK P., ROSS S., HENRY C. Information Technology in Humanities Scholarship: Achievements, Prospects, and Challenges - The United States Focus. American Council of Learned Societies Occasional Paper n. 37
PAVLU I. Field recording techniques for excavating neolithic sites
PEACEY A. The development of the tobacco pipe kiln in the British Isles
PEACHEY E., CHIPPINDALE C. Antiquity's experience in adding an electronic element to a printed journal
PEACOCK D., Mons Claudianus and the problem of the 'granito del Foro'
PEACOCK D.P.S. et al. Mons Claudianus and the problem of the 'granito del foro': a geological and geochemical approach
PEARCY L.T., PEARSON A. The Perseus Web site: A review
PEDERSINI F., SARTI A., TUBARO S. Automatic monitoring and 3D reconstruction applied to cultural heritage
PEDUTO A. An archaeological geographical information system in Arc/Info