Bibliography of Archaeological Computing: the 1990s


Search results

PERKINS P., University archaeological education: CD-ROMs and digital media
PERKINS P., Reconstructing the population history of the Albegna Valley and Ager Cosanus, Tuscany, Italy in the Etruscan period
PERKINS PH., The Computers in Teaching Initiative Centre for History with Archaeology and Art History (CTICH)
PERLÈS C. In search of lithic strategies: A cognitive approach to prehistoric chipped stone assemblages
PETERMAN G.L. Geographic Information Systems: Archaeology's latest tool
PETERMAN G.L. Geographic Information Systems: Archaeology's Latest Tool
PETERMAN G.L. GIS and archaeology in Jordan
PETERSON J. Fourier analysis of field boundaries
PETERSON J., RAYWARD SMITH V.J. A GIS study of potential traces of a Roman cadastre and soil types in Romney Marsh
PETERSON J.W.M. Flavian fort sites in South Wales: a spreadsheet analysis
PETERSON J.W.M. A computer model of Roman landscape in South Limburg
PETIDENT Y., Le système de gestion des données de fouilles à Auxerre
PETRIE L. et al., GIS in Archaeology. An Annotated Bibliography
PETTENATI C., La biblioteca virtuale: problemi e opportunità
PICAZO MILLÁN J.V., Contributión de analisis estadísticos para la diferenciación de grupos 'culturales' durante la Edad del Bronce en el Sur del Sistema Ibérico (Teruel, Espana)