Bibliography of Archaeological Computing: the 1990s


Search results

READ D.W. The utility of mathematical constructs in building archaeological theory
READ D.W. Intuitive tipology and automatic classification: Divergence or full circle?
READ D.W., RUSSELL G. A method for taxonomic typology construction and an example: Utilized flakes
READ E.F., DGM - An archaeological tool
READ E.J., CHIPPINDALE C. Electronic drawing or manual drawing? Esperience from work with rock-paintings
Recording England's Past 1993, Recording England's Past: Standard for the Extended National Archaeological Record
RECUERO V., BLASCO M.C., BAENA F.J. Estudio espacial del Bronce final-Hierro I en el Balo Manzanares apoyado en los S.I.G.
REDFERN S., LYONS G., REDFERN M. Digital elevation modelling of individual monuments from aerial photographs
REDMAN C.L., Mathematical sampling in archaeological excavation
REEDY T.J., REEDY C.L., Statistical analysis in conservation science
REELER C. Archaeology, fuzzy logic and neural networks
REELER C. Beyond GIS: Artificial intelligence in archaeology
REGOLI E., TERRENATO N. Dall'Albegna al Cecina: l'impostazione di un progetto di ricognizione archeologica
REILLY P. Three-dimensional modelling and primary archaeological data
REILLY P. A management consultant's view of the present state of CAA, and some thoughts on its possible future