Bibliography of Archaeological Computing: the 1990s


Search results

RENFREW C., ZUBROW E.B.W. The Ancient Mind. Elements of Cognitive Archaeology
REYNOLDS R.G., Why does cultural evolution proceed at a faster rate than biological evolution?
REYNOLDS R.G., Learning to co-operate using cultural algorithms
REYNOSO C. VB.GIS 3D - A development report on a GIS model for archaeology
REYNOSO C., CASTRO D. VB-GIS 3D - A GIS specifically designed for archaeology
RHODE D., GIS and obsidian hydration-based chronologies of regional surface archaeology: An example from Yucca Mountains, Nevada, USA
RICCI A., FABBRI M., SCHIAVONI U., JOANNILLI M., Una carta delle preesistenze per la pianificazione urbanistica: il suburbio sud-orientale di Roma e il caso del Comprensorio di Tor Vergata
RICHARDS J. Recent trends in computer applications in archaeology
RICHARDS J. Computers as an aid to post-excavation interpretation
RICHARDS J.D. Terrain modelling, deposit survival and urban archaeology
RICHARDS J.D. Putting the site in its setting: GIS and the search for Anglo-Saxon settlements in Northumbria
RICHARDS J.D. Preservation and re-use of digital data: the role of the Archaeology Data Service
RICHARDS J.D. From site to landscape: Multi-level GIS applications in archaeology
RICHARDS J.D. The impact of information technology on U.K. field archaeology
RICHARDS J.D. Terrain Modelling, deposit survival and urban archaeology