Bibliography of Archaeological Computing: the 1990s


Search results

RUGGLES A.J., CHURCH R.L., An analysis of late-horizon settlement patterns in the Teotihuacan-Temascalapa basins: A location-allocation and GIS-based approach
RUGGLES A.J., CHURCH R.L., Spatial allocation in archaeology: An opportunity for reevaluation
RUGGLES C. Abstract data structures for GIS applications in archaeology
RUGGLES C. et al. LIVE update: Archaeological courseware using interactive video
RUGGLES C.L.N., The meeting of methodological worlds? Towards the integration of different discipline-based approaches to the study of cultural astronomy
RUGGLES C.L.N., An image database for learning archaeoastronomy
RUGGLES C.L.N., MEDYCKYJ-SCOTT D.J., GRUFFYDD A. Multiple viewshed analysis using GIS and its archaeological application: A case study in northern Mull
RUIZ COBO J. Contraste funcional de una clasificación morfométrica multivariante de piezas líticas con muesca
RUIZ COBO J. Las puntas de flecha en la Cornisa Cantábrica. Variabilidad mórfométrica e implicaciones funcionales, culturales y cronológicas
RULE N. Some techniques for cost-effective three-dimensional mapping of underwater sites,
RULF J. Pre-processing of archaeological data
RUTTEN C. L'informatique: un instrument pour l'historien d'Aristote
RUVO C. La comunicazione multimediale nelle attività scientifiche e divulgative dei beni culturali
RUVO C. Tecniche multimediali per la fruizione dei beni culturali
RYAN N. The excavation archive as hyperdocument?