Bibliography of Archaeological Computing: the 1990s


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SCHLOEN D. Database design and the electronic publication of archaeological information
SCHMITT M., The Census of antique art and architecture known to the reinaissance enters a new phase
SCHOENENBERGER M. Das Arbeiten mit fremden Zeichensätzen (Macintosh)
SCHOENFELDER U., ERDELEN M. Anwendungsmöglichkeiten von Software in der Archäologie - Datenbank, Datenanalyse, Grafik
SCHULTZ H., Why use the Archaeology List?
SCHWERDTNER G., The computer instead of the drawing-board
SCOLLAR I. Computer tools for archaeology
SCOLLAR I. Numerical treatment of archaeological air photos: a non-mathematical introduction
SCOLLAR I. Geodetic and Cartographic Problems in Archaeological Data Bases at and within the Boundaries of Some Countries
SCOLLAR I. The Bonn Archaeological Database
SCOLLAR I. Twenty five years of computer applications in archaeology
SCOLLAR I., Announcement: BASP for Windows, Version 5.0
SCOLLAR I., HERZOG I., GREENACRE M.J. Colour and graphic display aids for correspondence analysis
SCOTT A. A parametric approach to seriation
SCOTT A. et al. Graphical modelling of archaeological data