Bibliography of Archaeological Computing: the 1990s


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SIGNORE O. et al. Il browser grafico sul sistema di classificazione ICONCLASS
SIGNORE O., FRESTA, G., LOFFREDO M. Un ipermedia distribuito sull'archeologia in Toscana
SIMONIN D. Analyse spatiale d'un site d'habitat du Néolithique ancien à Echilleuses (Loiret)
Simposio internazionale della ceramica 1992, Archeometria della ceramica. Problemi di metodo. Atti dell'VIII SIMCER Simposio Internazionale della Ceramica (Rimini, 1992)
SINCLAIR A., SLATER E., GOWLETT J. (eds.), Archaeological Sciences 1995
SINCLAIR P., KOKONYA M., MENESES M., RAKATOARISOA J.-A. The impact of information technology on the archaeology of southern and eastern Africa: The first decades
SINCLAIR P., TROY L. Current information technology applications to archaeological data from Lower Nubia
SINCLAIR P.J.J., Information technology applications in the Urban Origins in Eastern Africa Project: The wider context
SINCLAIR P.J.J., JUMA A. (eds.), Urban Origins in Eastern Africa. Proceedings of the 1991 Madagascar Workshop
Sistema Informativo Regionale 1995 Il Sistema Informativo Regionale sui Beni Culturali (S.I.R.Be.C.): 1994. Risultati e nuovi progetti. Atti e documenti della giornata di studio (Milano 1994
SLANE K.W. et al. Compositional analysis of Eastern Sigillata A and related wares from Tel Anafa (Israel)
SMALL J.P. Enhanced retrieval with classification modules
SMITH D. Database fundamentals for archaeologists
SMITH N. An experiment on electronic exchange and publication of archaeological field data
SMITH N., Towards a study of ancient Greek landscapes: the Perseus GIS