Bibliography of Archaeological Computing: the 1990s


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SHANKS M. Style, technology and function: Some design principles for archaeology
SHARON I. Partial order scalogram analysis of relations. A mathematical approach to the analysis of stratigraphy
SHAW I. The simulation of artifact diversity at el-Amarna, Egypt
SHEEN N.P., ASPINALL A. A simulation of anomalies to aid the interpretation of magnetic data
SHENNAN I., DONOGHUE D.N.M. Remote sensing in archaeological research
SHENNAN S., Why should we believe archaeological interpretations?
SHENNAN S., Sampling in archaeology
SHENNAN S., REILLY P. Recent progress in data visualisation in archaeology: Applying solid modelling and animated three dimensional graphic
SHERIDAN B. (ed.), Science and the Past
SHERWARD A., GARTH J., Unearthing the Past
SIDI MAAMAR H. Des poubelles aux bestiaires: essai d'interprétation archéozoologique d'un espace villageois alpin du premier Âge du Fer (Brig-Glis/Waldmatte, Valais, Suisse)
SIGNORE O. Cataloguing Art Objects: A Comparison between French and Italian standards
SIGNORE O. Progettazione di ipertesti e ipermedia
SIGNORE O. Ipermedia e beni culturali: rivoluzione, evoluzione o involuzione?
SIGNORE O. Il sistema per la gestione dei dati di scavo. La progettazione del database alfanumerico