Bibliography of Archaeological Computing: the 1990s


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STECKNER C. Form and fabric, the real and the virtual: roman economy-related geometrical mass aints in dressel's table of amphora forms
STECKNER C. SAMOS: Automatic classification of ancient Greek pottery according to their shape
STEELE J. et al. Simulating hunter-gatherer colonization of the Americas
STEENWEG H. Computers and social history: Building a database from medieval tax-registers for improved information retrieval in Göttingen
STEENWEG H. Die Listserverliste ARCH-L - eine Möglichkeit der angewandten elektronischen Fachkommunikation für Archäologen
STEVENSON M., Harris goes Bonn Appetit
STEWART J. Data into information: twenty five years of data collection and curation
STINE L.F., STINE R.S. GIS, Archaeology and Freedom of Information
STINE R.S., DECKER T.D. Archaeology, Data Integration and GIS
STINE R.S., LANTER D.P. Considerations for Archaeology Database Design
STOCK M. The Archaeological Information System of the Landesamt fur archaeologische Denkmalpflege Sachsen-Anhalt
STOCK M., WEISBROD J. Time axes in archaeological material
STODDART S., GIS: A useful research technique, not an end in itself
STODDART S., BELCHER M., HARRISON A. The application of GIS in South Etruria
STODDART S., BELCHERM., HARRISON A. L'applicazione del GIS all'Etruria meridionale