Bibliography of Archaeological Computing: the 1990s


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TERRAS M.M. Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Education
TERRENATO N., L'uso di documenti HTML per la didattica museale: il caso del Museo Archeologico di Rosignano Marittimo
TERRENATO N., AMMERMAN A.J. Visibility and site recovery in the Cecina Valley Survey, Italy
TERRER D., DELGIOVINE A. Informatisation d'une base de données sur l'iconographie de Gaule Narbonnaise : NarboSculpture
TERRER D., DELGIOVINE A. Une base de données sur l'iconographie de Gaule Narbonnaise
THALLER M., Historical Information Science: Is There Such a Thing? New Comments on an Old Idea
Thesaurus of Monument Types 1995, Thesaurus of Monument Types
THEUNISSEN R. A GIS-assisted approach to the spatial analysis of cave sites
TILBURY G., BAILIFF I., STEVENSON R. Characterizing novice and expert knowledge: towards an intelligent tutoring system for archaeological science
TILLMANN A. Das Proportionsdiagramm als archäologisches Hilfsmittel
TIRADRITTI F. (ed.), Nota preliminare
TIRADRITTI F. (ed.), Informatica ed Egittologia. All'inizio degli anni '90
TIRPÁKOVA A., VLKOLINSKÁ I. The application of some mathematical-statistical methods for the analysis of Slavic pottery
TITE M.S. Archaeological Science.Past achievements and future prospects
TOMASELLA D., Note di computazione storica