Bibliography of Archaeological Computing: the 1990s


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VAN DEN DRIES M.H. WAVES: an expert system for the analysis of use-wear on flint artefacts
VAN DER LEEUW S.E., MCGLADE J. (eds.), Dynamical Modelling and the Archaeology of Change
VAN DER LEEUW S.E., MCGLADE J., Structural change and bifurcation in urban evolution: A non-linear dynamical perspective
VAN DER MEULEN D., The versatility of a conservation database designed on image processing equipment
VAN DER PLAS D., Preface
VAN DER PLAS D., Computer-aided research on funerary texts and iconography - An international project,
VAN DER PLAS D., IEDS, ein integriertes egyptologisches Datenbanksystem. IED, eine internationale egyptologische Datenbank
VAN DER PLICHT J., MOOK W.G., HASPER H. Automatic Calibration of Radiocarbon Ages
VAN DOMMELEN P., Una riconsiderazione di ricognizioni estensive: il caso dello Scarlino-survey
VAN ELDEREN B., The discovery of blue: Bitmap techniques for art historical research
VAN LEUSEN M. Viewshed and cost surface analysis using GIS (cartographic modelling in a cell-based GIS II)
VAN LEUSEN M. Unbiasing the archaeological record
VAN LEUSEN M. et al. Toward a European archaeological heritage web
VAN LEUSEN M., GIS and locational modeling in Dutch archaeology: A review of current approaches
VAN LEUSEN M., CHAMPION S., Tessere l'European Archaeological Heritage Web