Bibliography of Archaeological Computing: the 1990s


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VAN LEUSEN P.M. Cartographic modelling in a cell-based GIS
VAN LEUSEN P.M., GIS and archaeological resource management: a European agenda
VAN LOO S., GIS and archaeology
VAN PEER P., Multivariate statistics, spatial analysis and the taphonomic history of a holocene prehistoric site
VAN WAARDEN N., WILSON B. Developing a hydrological model of the Lake Condah fish traps in western Victoria using GIS
VAN WEST C., KOHLER T.A., A time to rend, a time to sew: New perspectives on Northern Anaszi sociopolitical development in late prehistory
VANHAVERBERBEKE H., WAELKENS M., RITTI T. Is plump later? The possibilities of dating sarcophagi by means of their proportions checked by PCA-analysis on the north-western necropolis sarcophagi of Hierapolis (Phrygia, Turkey)
VANNINI G. Informatica per l'archeologia o archeologia per l'Informatica?
VENDRELL-SAZ M. et al. Proto-Campanian and A-Campanian ceramics: characterisation of the differences between the black coatings
VENERI G. Systèmes informatiques de cartographie numérique: des outils pour l'archéologie
VERHAGEN P, MCGLADE J., RISCH R., GILI S., Some criteria for modelling socio-economic activities in the Bronze Age of southeast Spain
VERHAGEN P. The use of GIS as a tool for modelling ecological change and human occupation in the Middle Aguas Valley (S.E. Spain)
VERHAGEN P., Archaeology, GIS and Cultural Resource Managment
VERHAGEN P., La carte du potentiel archéologique en Hollande. Une méthode de prédiction fondée sur les données de l'archéologie et du paysage
VERHAGEN P., MCGLADE J. Spatialising dynamical modelling: A new opportunity for GIS