Bibliography of Archaeological Computing: the 1990s


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VON KIND C.-J., Bemerkungen zur Differenzierung des suddeutschen Mittelpalaolithikums
VON THODE C., RODRIGUEZ VINCEIRA F.J., FERNÁNDEZ RODRÍGUEZ L.-E. et al. El mundo funerario de las Edades del Cobre y el Bronce y las bases de datos gráficas
VOORIPS A. Electronic Information Systems in archaeology. Some notes and comments
VOORRIPS A. Archaeological theory and GIS, any relations?
VOORRIPS A. Archaeological theory and GIS; Any relation?
VOORRIPS A. Spatial Analysis in archaeology
VOORRIPS A. Information science in archaeology: a short history and some recent trends
VOORRIPS A. (ed.) Mathematics and Information Science in Archaeology: A Flexible Framework
VOORRIPS A., OTTAWAY B.S. (eds.) New Tools from Mathematical Archaeology. Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Data Management and Mathematical Methods in Archaeology (Mogilany/Krakov 1989)
VRANICH A., EITELJORG II A. Making a silk purse from the proverbial sow's ear
VULLO N., BARKER G. Regional sampling and GIS: The Tuscania survey Project
VULLO N., BARKER G., GRANT A., RASMUSSEN T. Metodologie di survey e GIS: il progetto Tuscania 'rivisitato'
VULLO N., FONTANA F., GUERRESCHI A. The application of GIS to intra-site spatial analysis: preliminary results from Alpe Veglia (VB) and Mondeval de Sora (BL), two Mesolithic sites in the Italian Alps
VULLO N., GUERRESCHI A. Intra-site spatial analysis and GIS: preliminary results from Alpe Veglia
WAELKENS M., HERZ N., MOENS L. (eds.), Ancient Stones: Quarrying, Trade and Provenance. Interdisciplinary Studies on Stones and Stone Technology in Europe and Near East from the Prehistoric to the Early Christian Period