Bibliography of Archaeological Computing: the 1990s


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VERHAGEN P., MCGLADE J., Spatialising dynamical modelling: A new opportunity for GIS
VERHAGEN, P. Predictive modelling in the Netherlands: The prediction of archaeological values in cultural resource management and academic research
VERMEULEN F. A computer-aided geo-archaeological survey of the classical landscape of central Anatolia
VICKERS M., GILL D., ECONOMOU M. Euesperides: the rescue of an excavation
VIKKULA A., Stone age environment and landscape changes on the eastern Finnish Lake District
VILLEDIEU F. Informatisation des données de la fouille de la Vigna Barberini sur le Palatin
VILLEDIEU F. Informatisation des données sur le chantier de fouilles de la Vigna Barberini (Palatin)
VILLEDIEU F., AUDA Y. Traitement formalisé du mobilier d'une fouille
VINCE A. et al., Publishing archaeology on the web: Who reads this stuff anyway?
VISSER TRAVAGLI A.M., La carta archeologica di Ferrara: progetto generale
VITAL J. et al. Genas 'sous Genas' (Rhône), site de plein air Donzère 'Chauve-Souris' (Drôme) site en grotte. Contextes des fouilles, méthodes d'enregistrement, hypothèses, implications épistèmologiques
VITALI V. An Approach to Data Analysis of Geoarchaeological Sediment Samples: The Location of Early Punic Harbour of Carthage
VITALI V. Etudes archéométriques de provenance des artefacts céramiques: problèmes actuels de méthodologie
VITALI V. Formal methods for the analysis of archaeological data: Data analysis vs expert systems
VITALI V. Archaeometric provenance studies: An expert system approach