Bibliography of Archaeological Computing: the 1990s


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TROITZSCH K.G. The evolution of technologies
TSCHAN A. P. An introduction to object-oriented GIS in archaeology
TSCHAN A., DALY P. Is there such thing as 'Computer Archaeology '?
TSCHAN A., WLODZIMIER R., MALGORZATA L., Perception and viewsheds: are they mutually inclusive?
TUDHOPE D., Geographical access to museum hypermedia exhibits
TURNER J.D., KEARY A.C., PEACOCK D.P.S. Drawing potsherds: A low-cost computer based system
TYERS P., Roman amphoras in Britain
UBIETO A.P., TRAMULLAS J. Recursos telemáticos en documentación arqueológica
UOTILA K., SARTES M. Medieval Turku: the lost city. A project trying to reconstruct a Medieval town in Finland
URWIN N., IRELAND T. Satellite Imagery and Landscape Archaeology: An Interim Report on the Environmental Component of the Vinhais Landscape Archaeology Project, North Portugal
VACH W., ALT K.W. Detection of kinship structures in prehistoric burial sites based on odontological traits
VAGNETTI L., RE L. DEDALO: l'informatica applicata alle relazioni Egeo-Italia nell'etá del Bronzo
VALDÉS L. THOT Agenda de Campo para Arqueólogos
VALDÉS L., ARENAL I., PUJANA I. (eds.) Aplicaciones Informáticas en Arqueología: Teorías y Sistemas. 1: Saint-Germain-en-Laye 1991, 2: Bilbao 1993
VALDÉS L., FERNANDEZ J.C., REINA J., MUNOZ R., PUJANA I. MATH Proyecto arqueofIsico del santuario de Gastiburu a la villa romana de Baños de Valdearados