Bibliography of Archaeological Computing: the 1990s


Search results

RYAN N. Beyond the relational database: Managing the variety and complexity of archaeological data
RYAN N., Computer based visualisation of the past: Technical 'realism' and historical credibility
RYAN N., PASCOE J., MORSE D. FieldNote: extending a GIS into the field
RYAN N., PASCOE J., MORSE D. Enhanced reality fieldwork: the context aware archaeological assistant
RYCHNER-FARAGGI A.-M. Hauterive-Champréveyres: organisation spatiale d'un village du Cortaillod classique au bord du lac de Neuchâtel (Suisse)
SABLATNIG R., MENARD CH. Computer based acquisition of archaeological finds: the first step towards automatic classification
SABORIDO I BADIA A., La utilización de medios informáticos en arqueología
SAILE T. Landscape archaeology in central Germany: Site catchment analysis using GIS
SAILE T., ZIMMERMANN A. Cattle or crops. Applications of GIS in Central Germany
SALAC V. Seriation of Iron Age settlements in NW Bohemia. System of databases, CAAF program
SALEH F., MAHER TAHA M., An integrated information system for the Egyptian Antiquities Organization (EAO)
SALONIA P. Tecnologie informatiche per la gestione delle conoscenze nella conservazione del costruito storico
SALONIA P. Knowledge for the recovery of historical and architectural heritage and information technology: theoretical and methodological aspects and pratical applications
SÁNCHEZ MESEGUER J., Arqueomatica: Arqueología e Informatica
SANDER M. Creating access and interchange